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Bullet Points to Success
Would you like to know some “bullet points to success”? They will watch over you as you move through your management and leadership career. Do not forget what it was like to be a non-management employee no matter where you go in your career, no matter what you’re doing, no matter who you’re talking with, […]
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Foundational Values for Management (and Life)
The Foundation of Management (and Life) is Values. This requires a personal examination of ourselves, the one in the mirror. These are not tools per se for our bag of skills. These values are our character. This examination is ongoing. If it is ongoing, you have an excellent chance of continual improvement. If we get […]
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Bullet Points to Success
Would you like to know some “bullet points to success”? They will watch over you as you move through your management and leadership career. Do not forget what it was like to be a non-management employee no matter where you go in your career, no matter what you’re doing, no matter who you’re talking with, […]
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Foundational Values for Management (and Life)
The Foundation of Management (and Life) is Values. This requires a personal examination of ourselves, the one in the mirror. These are not tools per se for our bag of skills. These values are our character. This examination is ongoing. If it is ongoing, you have an excellent chance of continual improvement. If we get […]
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